


We help ease the tension of transitioning to a Plant-Based Lifestyle no matter how far along you are on your journey by helping you start from where you’re at. 

A Plant-Based Lifestyle

Will Help You…

Get the guidance you need to reach optimum health with ease.


Lose Weight

Say goodbye and stay out to belly fat and bloat once for the last time.


Gain More Energy

Get over the 3PM energy slump and have an abundance of energy to make it through the day, even sneak in more workouts


Feel Less Pain

Reduce inflammation that causes pain and regain your sense of self back


Reduce Brain Fog

Improve brain function and be able to remember why you walked into the kitchen


Improve Sleep Patterns

Kick insomnia to the curb and start enjoying a night of great sleep

My Approach

I don’t dwell on calories, carbs, fats and proteins. I don’t create a list of what not to do. I have a take it back to the old school approach where I work with you to create a happy, healthy life in a way that is flexible, fun and rewarding. Trust and believe what I do here is not new. It’s actually been swept away under somebody’s rug and we just need to bring it back.

I began this way of life because I was literally sick and tired of being sick and tired. Being diagnosed with a rare heart condition, I was trying to figure a way to gain more energy and improve my overall health.

Unfortunately, yo-yo dieting wasn’t working. So, I made the decision that if I was to be healthy, then I had to become my own health advocate and put me first. I adopted a new way of living which allowed my heart function to climb back to normal and gave me more energy than I had in the prior 15 years. Don’t get it twisted, I’m still a work in progress as I am a heart transplant recipient, but the proof is in the pudding.


Education and Transformation Plans of Action for the Collective

The Plant-Based Method


The term “plant-based” can be intimidating to anyone trying to make healthy diet changes. Does this mean you have to completely eliminate many of your favorite foods tomorrow? Do you have to adhere to it 100% of the time?


This course will answer those questions and more. Topics covered include the benefits of a plant-based diet along with tips for gradually transitioning to this style of eating without feeling overwhelmed.

The Power of Food


Inflammation is the major symptom of most illnesses. It causes pain and discomfort.  It causes issues that no doctor can understand at times.  


In this course you will learn about the significance of inflammation as it relates to chronic diseases, understand the different types of inflammation and their causes, learn about nutrition-related anti-inflammatory compounds and the foods that provide them, and gain confidence in the preparation of anti-inflammatory foods

Plant-Based for Optimum Immunity


Are you plagued with getting colds or infections? Has the recent outbreaks of illness left you wanting to optimize your immunity? 


In this course you will understand nutrition concepts as they relate to supporting optimal immune system function,  learn the importance of building resilience and reducing risk of impaired immunity, identify nutrients present in whole foods that support optimal immunity, gain confidence in the preparation of foods that encourage optimal immunity. 

Book a call with me!

Confused about how to start your journey? Need some assistance to continue your plant-based journey? Feel free to book a FREE Breakthrough Session call with me. We can crack the code on what you need to do.

Let’s Go Plant-Based Membership

Open Enrollment Starting April 24, 2023

Don’t feel like a program is the perfect fit for you at the current time? For less than the price of your favorite coffee each day you can take advantage of the  Let’s Go Plant-Based Membership.


The Health Conscious Diva, LLC and Let’s Go Plant-Based does not practice medicine or substitute for it in any way. It is not our purpose to diagnose, treat, prescribe medications, or claim to cure any particular disease or condition. Our role is to assist willing individuals to acquire understanding of the functions of their bodies, how to preserve them in good health, how to cooperate with nature where health has declined, and to work with nature in restoring a state of wellness. It is recommended that you consult your physician prior to making any changes in your diet or lifestyle (exercise and movement included).

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