
A Bit About Me


Heart Disease/Transplant Survivor | Entrepreneur | Integrative Nutrition Health Coach | Plant-Based Transition Coach | Published Author | Motivational Speaker

Who I Am?

Hey there!! My name is Natasha Pennant. I am the owner of The Health Conscious Diva, LLC. I am also the founder of Purple Sol Kitchen and Let’s Go Plant-Based. 

I am a single mother turned entrepreneur, certified health and wellness coach, published author, motivational speaker, and plant-based food advocate. Most importantly I am a heart disease/transplant survivor. (Whoop-whoop!!) I am also a Go Red for Women Ambassador with the American Heart Association.

I have had the pleasure of hosting my own health and wellness event called HYPED (Helping Your People Excel Deeply) in Health, a FREE community event where people come to learn more about different health practices, participate in workouts and shop from local vendors for healthy products.


My Health Journey

In the year 2000, I was diagnosed with a rare heart condition called postpartum cardiomyopathy. For 15 years, my main goal was to reverse the condition. I enrolled into the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and became a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. I took the information that I learned and used it to reverse my own heart condition in 2015 before gaining clients that would use my approach and achieve weight-loss goals they never thought they would meet. 

Unfortunately, in 2018 I started to feel sick. The doctors that I had at the time wouldn’t listen to what I told them felt wrong. I was in and out of the hospital from December 2018 – May 2019. I was finally diagnosed with cardiogenic shock which may have started from an infection acquired from mice or swallowing water through my trachea and it not being sorted out and gave me septic shock. My organs were shutting down and unfortunately, my heart was the weakest link which resulted in the heart transplant.

Because I was already a plant-based eater, I gave the hospital a fight where my food choices were concerned. I preferred to have the nurses make me a smoothie with my own blender rather than get a hamburger from the cafeteria. But it is my plant-based way of eating that helped me to heal and do well. And now, even with a new heart, I am here to continue to help others so they don’t have to take the road I took.


Why You Should Let Me

In Your Kitchen

My goal is to make sure that people can unlearn the ways we have been told to eat (food pyramids) that have placed us into a excessively poor state nutritiously. It’s important for me to help people remove the nutrient deficient foods holding them down and replace them with the energy producing foods to help their mind, body and soul.

I also studied many ways of eating from vegan health gurus like Queen Afua, Dr. Sebi, and Dr. Enqi. 

I successfully reversed 15 years of dealing with the autoimmune issue postpartum cardiomyopathy and rose my heart’s ejection fraction from 15% to 60%. This allowed me to increase my energy, walk 5-6 miles daily and enjoy time with my son who had never seen me healthy.

I have helped a great number of clients develop habits in the plant-based realm that has helped them to improve their health and drop ugly habits. A few have even taken my lead and became certified health coaches themselves.

At the current time, I am pursuing my Bachelor’s in Science degree for Dietetics so I can work with people as a registered dietitian. 


Let’s Go Plant-Based

I have always had it in me to teach people how to properly eat. I see many people who transfer to a plant-based diet who do not find the balance in their diet and they are still suffering from low energy and malnutrition. Don’t get it twisted, the same thing is happening with meat-based diets, but with a plant-based diet many food-related ailments can be resolved. Not to mention, you can remove many chemicals injected into the animals you may be eating today. 

I created Let’s Go Plant-Based, not just to get people to eat fruits, vegetables and legumes and be good. I created it for people to learn and understand how the body works with the food choices we make. Our ancestors, without guidance from any other men on earth, understood what it was that they needed to nourish their bodies. Meat wasn’t easily accessible. Their diet was actually less than 80/20 (80% vegetation/20% meat). 

I understand those on paleo and keto diets believe the meat is what their ancestors ate and needed. But you must think of the circumstances of those in the ice-age who had no choice but to eat the dead. Fresh fruits and vegetables were not able to be grown. 

Today we are in a space in time where we can eat as was intended for the makeup of our bodies. More and more people’s eyes are opening to the fact that a plant-based diet is a powerful diet. It allows you to improve through conditions like allergies, blood sugar issues, gut issues and so much more. Join me in this journey to help you gain more clarity and switch how you eat.


The Health Conscious Diva, LLC and Let’s Go Plant-Based does not practice medicine or substitute for it in any way. It is not our purpose to diagnose, treat, prescribe medications, or claim to cure any particular disease or condition. Our role is to assist willing individuals to acquire understanding of the functions of their bodies, how to preserve them in good health, how to cooperate with nature where health has declined, and to work with nature in restoring a state of wellness. It is recommended that you consult your physician prior to making any changes in your diet or lifestyle (exercise and movement included).

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