
It’s Time To Ditch The Diets And Go Plant-Based

Skip the food deprivation, improve your health and lose weight by transitioning to a plant-based lifestyle.

Make the plant-based

transition easy.

Get the guidance you need to reach optimum health with ease.

Purple Sol Kitchen - Cooking Classes

Learn how to whip up delicious plant-based foods using a wide range of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and other wholesome ingredients.

Group Coaching

Whether you need to boost your immune system or lose weight, work personally with your health coach to assess where you need help.

Let's Go Plant-Based Membership

Take advantage of having a community that bond together while receiving weekly meal plans to take the guesswork out of the question, “What are we going to eat”?

Meet the Founder

Natasha Pennant

I’m Natasha Pennant, an entrepreneur, published author, motivational speaker and plant based foods advocate. Even more importantly, I am a heart disease survivor and heart transplant recipient.

I was diagnosed with a rare heart condition during my pregnancy in 2000. Over the years, through trial and error, I made it my mission to research how I could help myself get better. Becoming a certified integrative nutrition health coach was a part of my journey to finding the tools that would help me to live a healthier lifestyle. 

I have come to the realization there are many other people out there like myself who have no idea where to start to take their health into their hands and become their own health advocate. I created this Let’s Go Plant-Based to give you a place to learn what our ancestors knew about health and wellness. I have been and am still in your shoes because once you have an illness, you have to work even harder to stay well. I vow to make sure that you can improve your health and reach your goals.



“…I was in a fishbowl going nowhere and NEVER achieving the goal I set out to do so many times before. The program gave me the start I needed. It made me accountable for what I choose to eat… Thank you Natasha Pennant for saving my life and giving me reason to wake up (let me rephrase that) SPRING UP out of bed and live life to its fullest!! “


“Shout out to @healthconsciousdiva for giving me some great tips to lose weight and live a #healthylifestyle. My #metabolism is at an all time high!! I have incorporated more fruits and vegetables into my meals. Thank you so much you’re the best!!!”

On The Gram

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